The Appearance of Perfection
Everyone needs God - no matter how perfect their life already seems.

This article was written by Andrew Palau.
Do you know someone who seems absolutely perfect? You know the kind of person I’m talking about… They have successful careers, big and beautiful homes, polite children, and striking good looks. Have you told them about Jesus Christ, even though they seem to have everything put together?
Christians often desire to help the poor, the lonely, and the heart-broken. But what about the rich, with loving families, and great social lives?
I was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but by all outward appearances my life was going well. I had a mask that I wore convincingly for 27 years and I may have seemed like I ‘had it all together.’ But inside I was falling apart! My soul was broken, and I was miserable. Don’t assume that things are okay just because they look that way.
Who looks put together to you? Do they know Jesus? If not, then they are hurting, even if they don’t look like it. True life and life in abundance comes only from Jesus Christ. So today, reach out to that person in your life who seems to have all the answers and tell them of Jesus Christ and His love for them.
No one is perfect... no not one. This is straight from the Word of God. Appearances can be deceiving. Are you willing to ask those around you if they have met Jesus yet? What about this scares you? Talk to a caring Christian about it and be encouraged.
Be Encouraged