
Train Someone to Pray, Care, and Share Jesus

Train Someone to Pray, Care, and Share Jesus

In Jesus’ time, there were no printing presses, no television and no internet. God’s chosen method of spreading the Good News was person to person to person.

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The Power of Encouragement

The Power of Encouragement

Years ago, my husband and I were seeking God’s will for our lives. We felt the Lord calling us to ministry, but we needed His confirmation. We prayed and asked for advice from our community. They helped us determine what path we should follow.

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Living Generously

Living Generously

“God loved so much . . . that He gave.” This sums up the generous heart of God, and is an example for us, His children. In fact, we are most like Him when we are giving generously and even sacrificially.

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Be God's Light

Be God's Light

How do people respond when they find out that you are a Christian? They shouldn’t be surprised, if your life models Jesus’ loving, patient, sacrificial example.

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Outer Beauty and Inner Beauty

Outer Beauty and Inner Beauty

Have you ever seen a really attractive person -- someone people can't help but turn and stare at as they walk by? People with great God-given beauty may make a great impression, but it will be forgotten when the next beautiful person comes along.

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Is Your Church Making Disciples?

Is Your Church Making Disciples?

In many parts of the world, the Name of Jesus is unknown or hated, making it unsafe to share your Christian faith. However, God calls Christians to "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone" (Mark 16:15).

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