Weekly Devotional

Dis-mything Sin

Sin, A Diabolical Mixture of Fact and Fiction by the Myth Master- Satan.

Dis-mything Sin
Written by Stan Key on 30/09/2024

"My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous."

1 John 2:!

Never is the devil more successful in leading us to moral and spiritual ruin than when he distorts our thinking about the nature of sin. This demonic strategy was first revealed in Eden when Satan deceived Eve about what would happen when she ate the forbidden fruit. Our adversary knows that a half-truth is more deadly than a lie. Therefore, his tactics often involve a diabolical mixture of fact and fiction, truth and error. He is a myth master. Sadly, many of these myths are accepted as truth, even among the people of God. Let's examine three of his most deadly myths and expose the lies hidden underneath.

Myth #1: All sin is the same. 

"Hey, we're all sinners," this myth claims. "I struggle with laziness. You struggle with adultery.

It's all the same, really. Sin is sin." It is certainly true that the wages of sin is always death (Rom 6:23), but it is a dangerous half-truth to conclude that all sins are therefore equal. A medical doctor recognizes that all cancer is potentially deadly, yet she will treat pancreatic cancer differently from a superficial skin melanoma. So it is with sin. Willful, habitual theft is not morally equivalent to an occasional unintentional use of bad language. To treat the two situations as moral equivalents is both theologically unsound and psychologically naïve.

Myth #2: Sin is inevitable

This myth says, "What's the big deal? I'm a born sinner and therefore I can't help it when I break God's laws. This is just the way I am." Regardless of our excuses, rationalizations, and justifications, and in spite of our desire to blame others for the way we turned out, God holds us fully responsible for our actions. He sent his Son to save us from our sins, not to leave us in them (Matt 1:21). The Bible promises a terrifying future to those who "go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth" (Heb 10:26-31). After salvation, sin may remain, but it does not reign!

Myth #3: Just extend or receive forgiveness and then move on. 

"It's God's job to forgive," this myth asserts. "Therefore, you have to forgive me too. Let's just turn the page and move on." This half-truth fails to recognize that genuine reconciliation can occur only where there has been authentic repentance. And even when true forgiveness does occur, the consequences of sin often remain for a lifetime. We reap what we sow. Even forgiven sin leaves a scar. As long as we believe half-truths, we will remain pawns of Satan and prisoners of sin. Thank God for the liberating truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed (John 8:32, 36).

“Religion today is not transforming people— it is being transformed by people. It is not raising the moral level of society— it is descending to society's own level and congratulating itself that it has scored a victory because society is smiling, accepting its surrender.” - A. W. TOZER (1897-1963)

Used with permission from Stan Key, Originally published in the Book,”Face to Face with God, with Others, with Myself”  by Stan Key, Francis Asbury Press, 2019

Pray this week:

Dear Heavenly Father, 

I invite you into my deceived mind that has believed these myths about sin. I ask you to cleanse me of my wrong thoughts and actions, to heal my deceptive way of thinking about sin and make me clean. I ask in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen

Our adversary knows that a half-truth is more deadly than a lie. Have you been tricked by our enemy with half-truths about God? Do you want to share your experience with a caring volunteer online?

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