Weekly Devotional

Every week the devotional gives you a key scripture, encourages you in your walk with Jesus, extra resources and a guidance for praying that week.

When God Wants to Answer Your Prayer

Have you been praying for something?

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An Answer to Prayer, Beyond Imagination

Have you been praying hard for God to work in your life? Scripture tells us that God hears our prayers; yet we might wait years for His answers. Eventually, though, His response can be greater than anything we can expect.

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When You Pray, Expect the Unexpected

Sometimes God gives us exactly what we ask for, when we ask for it. But when His answers don’t come right away, it’s often because He has something much better for us.

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Does God Really Hear My Prayers?

Does it sometimes feel like your prayers are not making it past the ceiling? How can we be sure God is listening?

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Renewed Hope, Perfect Peace, Eternal Life

Hope for a better world -- for true peace -- can be found only in God, not in ourselves. Human striving leads to death. Life comes from God alone.

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How can We Have Joy in Trials?

The Bible says our faith is like gold that needs to be purified and refined in fire. The joy comes when we realize the fire makes the end product more valuable and beautiful.

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Trials Allow Us to Comfort Others

Why does God put His children through such terrible situations? Is there a purpose for our trials?

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What is the Purpose of Trials in Our Life?

We have false expectations if we believe that good deeds are always rewarded, and evil is always punished in this life.

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Why Does God allow Bad things to happen to Good people?

It is hard to understand how a good and loving God can allow bad things to happen to his children.

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