
This year, we’ve seen so much change in our daily lives. One of the biggest changes has been the decline of true face-to-face experiences with people close to us. Loneliness, depression and anxiety are on the rise across the world as a result of various quarantines and trying to keep people safe through social distancing.

But loneliness isn’t a new thing, and it won’t go away when we’re all able to be together again. You can be lonely at any time -- in a room full of people, in your marriage, or wherever you may be. It can come from betrayal or broken relationships, too.

When you feel lonely, that’s proof that we’re not made to be alone. We were made by a gracious, loving, creator God. But a long time ago, the first humans made a terrible mistake. They decided not to trust God and instead rebelled against His wishes. As a result, death entered the world, and there was a separation between God and humans. We continue to rebel against God today.

But God did not leave us without hope. He promised that He’d provide a savior, and He did that with Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

2,000 years ago, Jesus was born and lived a perfect life. Still, His own people hated Him and sentenced Him to a brutal death on a cross. He died, which was God’s plan all along. His death was the price for our rebellion, and it satisfied God’s wrath against our rebellion, or sin. All we have to do is believe that Jesus existed and that He died for our sins in order for our relationship with God to be restored.

But there’s more good news! Jesus didn’t just stay dead. On the third day, Jesus came back to life, proving that He defeated death. His victory over the death we earned gives us eternal life if we believe in Him and follow Him.

So the next time you’re feeling lonely, just think of the great relationship that we’re designed to have with our heavenly Father. He said, “I will never leave you or forsake you,” (Hebrews 13:5) and His love for us is greater than we could ever imagine or deserve. If you want to start your relationship with God today, pray something like this:


"Lord God, I confess that
I need your forgiveness for what
I’ve done wrong. I’ve gone against
you so many times. Thank you for
sending Jesus to pay the price for
my sins. I want to follow you. I
love you. Amen."

Did you pray this prayer?