
here is the list of resources related to this subject

Why Do We Pray?

Why Do We Pray?

Prayer is a conversation between you and God. Here’s why you should pray.

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How to Listen for God’s Guidance

How to Listen for God’s Guidance

What are some ways God guides us in His will?

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How Long Will God Take to Answer My Prayer?

How Long Will God Take to Answer My Prayer?

Have you ever wondered, “Is God there? If He is, why doesn’t He answer my prayer?"

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Does Prayer Make a Difference?

Does Prayer Make a Difference?

Prayer makes a difference, and it’s best if you use both channels: talking and listening.

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Can God Hear Your Voice?

Can God Hear Your Voice?

Here are some simple ways you can improve your prayer life.

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Changing Suffering Into Joy

Changing Suffering Into Joy

Are your tears collected or wasted?

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