
here is the list of resources related to this subject

How to Heal From Shame: 3 Truths

How to Heal From Shame: 3 Truths

Have you ever been so ashamed you wanted to hide? There is Hope for you.

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Only Sinners Welcome

Only Sinners Welcome

Are you a Perfect Person?

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How to Overcome Temptation

How to Overcome Temptation

If sin didn’t seem exciting, fun, and sexy, temptation would never be a problem.

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The Curse and the Cure

The Curse and the Cure

The Old Testament is a gritty, glorious portrait of God’s coming to His people again and again and again, reminding them of how their sin had doomed them to His curse, but how it could never diminish His original desire to bless.

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Do Christians Receive Eternal Life When They Die?

Do Christians Receive Eternal Life When They Die?

Our Eternal Lives Have Actually Already Begun

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Too Easy

Too Easy

Is Salvation Too Easy?

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